Storyboard Notebook
Use the Storyboard Notebook to sketch out your shot ideas and arrive on set ready to work.
- 5.5" x 7"
288 Boards
Notation Fields
Cover Resources
Draw. Shoot. Bang Bang.

The Storyboard Notebook is the perfect place to sketch out your shot ideas so you can arrive on set ready to work.
No Skill Required. Just Vision.

Don't worry about making it look good. That'll happen on the day. Just scribble your idea into the 16:9 box! You can use the included labels, checkboxes, and description field to help make sense of your stick figures. Simply draw, notate, and repeat.
(Pretend to) Know Your Stuff
Reference the handy cinematography cheat sheets on the inside covers when you're planning your shots or on set pointing at things.
Notebook Specifications
7 in
5.5 in
Made in the U. S. A.