A Notebook Designed for Screenwriters.
A Notebook Designed for Screenwriters.
The Storyclock Notebook utilizes the simple method of visualizing your story like a clock. The first half is devoted to studying and analyzing existing stories, with the second half devoted to developing your own.
Shop NowTurn your ideas into stories.
You have story ideas. Because you are a genius. But the hard part is turning those ideas into actual stories. That part's the worst, because it's gross and really hard.

Picture your story like a clock.
Let's say you're writing a two hour movie. The clock represents the full two-hour experience for the audience. Thirty minutes falls at the 3:00 mark, sixty minutes at the 6:00 mark, etc.

Drop your ideas where you think they belong.
Seeing your story this way can quickly give you a bird's eye view of it, and reveal where your gaps are. And rather than filling these gaps by making stuff up and dropping in ideas from the outside, you can extract ideas from what you already have -- using symmetry.

Use symmetry to fill the gaps.
What’s happening on the opposite sides of the clock? Anything you can set up or pay off?

Organically grow your story.
It's a simple and effective exercise to fill the gaps in your story with relevant and meaningful material, born from what you already have.
From napkin to script with less misery.
This doesn't mean Lawrence Kasdan wrote Raiders of the Lost Ark with a story clock, it just demonstrates that good stories have a "rhythm and rhyme."

Built for Research and Development
Built for Research and Development
This is a Development Page.
The left is where you dump your brain, and the right is an empty clock to start laying out your ideas in a narrative structure, and start filling out your story.
This is a Research Page.
Sometimes it helps to rip off-- er-- STUDY the choices of other writers, so we've devoted the first half of the book for clocking existing stories.
Built for screenplays, but works for all kinds of stories:
Built for screenplays, but works for all kinds of stories:
〰 Novels
〰 Blog Posts
〰 Corporate Presentations
〰 Wedding Toasts
〰 School Papers
〰 Ransom Notes
〰 Life Planning
〰 Sermons
〰 TED Talks
〰 Commencement Speeches
〰 Graphic Novels
〰 Kickstarter Videos
〰 Podcasts
〰 Letters of Recommendation