EVERY DAY IS CYBER (Until Christmas)
We're bringing Cyber Monday back. They tried to end it yesterday, but we said, "no way, losers!" And not only did we bring it back, we made it every damn day until Christmas.
Now through Christmas, get 30% off all digital products (limit one use per customer). Use coupon code DIGI30 at checkout. Ends 12/26 at 2am central.
What digital products, you ask?

Storyclock Workbook Digital Edition
Use the Storyclock Workbook to break open your story ideas and get your hands dirty, mining your ideas, resources, and inspiration for every last ounce of potential.
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Storyboard Workbook Digital Edition
Use the Storyboard Workbook to streamline pre-production: draw your boards, plan your setups, and get down to business.
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Storyclock x Storyboard Pro Kit Digital Edition
Develop your ideas into stories with the Storyclock Workbook, and then draw your boards and plan your lighting setups for shoot day with the Storyboard Workbook.
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