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Story Notes Manager: a free tool for organizing script notes

By Seth Worley

Story Notes Manager: a free tool for organizing script notes

You finished a draft. You sent it to a bunch of people. Some of them read it. Some of them had thoughts, which they delivered to you via text, email, over coffee, or all of the above.

So how do you keep track of all of these notes? It'd be great if you could organize them by categories like big picture, character dev, logic, typos, etc. Wouldn't that be pretty great?

We thought it would be. So we made a free Airtable template called Story Notes Manager. It's a great place to organize all of that infuratingly helpful feedback you're getting.

What is Airtable? Think of it like Excel or Google Sheets on steroids. Or crack.* You can use it to organize pretty much anything, and it can handle attachments, long text notes, checkboxes, even barcodes. It's pretty awesome.

*We don't really know how drugs work.

Use the Story Notes Manager to organize and display notes by category, story elements, draft, reader, and more. Give each note a rating based on your own value system. Organize readers by categories (industry, friends & family, collaborators, etc).

Weed out the unhelpful notes. Procrastinate on writing that second draft. Feel organized and in control. Even though control is an illusion.

You can download the Story Notes Manager template for Airtable here.